cyberbullying: The Disturbing RealitiesUnlike physical bullying, cyberbullying can happen anonymously, anywhere at anytime. It can be both targeted and widespread. According to Common Sense Media's research, one third of teens ages 10-18 report having been cyberbullied. Of those students who said they had been cyberbullied, only one in ten told a parent, teacher or authority figure about it. We need to encourage our students to be not only be empathetic to their peers, but to be upstanders rather than bystanders when they witness or experience cyberbullying.
How do we deal with this behavior?Common Sense Media's "5 Things You Need to Know about Cyberbullying."
The Stop Cyberbullying Organization discusses roles parents can take in the event of cyberbullying. This article describes the complexities of cyberbullying. Here's a link to another great infographic on cyberbullying. |